Gezocht: vrijwilligers!

Wanted: English speaking volunteers!

For the third Voedsel Anders (Food Otherwise) Conference on 3 and 4 April 2020 we are looking for motivated volunteers to carry out different tasks during the conference. Do you want to be part of this movement? Register as a volunteer!

Read more about the Voedsel Anders Conference 2020

The conference cannot take place without the help and energy of a large group of volunteers. Since we are expecting many international participants, it is important that you speak (some) English.

What do we need? Support with:

  • Build-up
  • Registration of participants
  • Contact person & tech assistance workshop spaces
  • Preparing lunch, dinner and drink
  • Clean-up
  • Emergency Response Officers or evacuation officers

    What do you get in return?
  • Free access to the conference on the day that you volunteer
  • Free lunch and/or dinner
  • Drink coupons
  • A fantastic time in which you will learn a lot and meet amazing people
  • Eternal gratitude!

    You can indicate whether you want to volunteer on one or two days. Check out the preliminary program

    Interested? Contact Samira van der Loo, our Volunteer Coordinator, at and please include a) which days you would like to volunteer and b) whether or not you have completed a course for either Emergency Response Officer or evacuation officer.

    We hope to hear from you soon!