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CORONA UPDATE: Because of the COVID-19 crisis, we have had to decide to postpone the conference until later this year.
Friday 3 April 2020
Morning programme (optional):
10.00 Excursions: choose between five inspiring excursions to food and farming initiatives in and around Wageningen. Read more about the excursions.
Afternoon programme:
Chair: Evelijne Bruning
Simultaneous interpretation Dutch- English vv will be provided.
12.30: Registration (note: bring your own lunch)
13.00: Workshop round 1* parallel sessions
(workshops announced in English will be held in English)

14.45: Workshop round 2* parallel sessions
(workshops announced in English will be held in English)

16.15: Coffee and cake break. Meet each other and take a virtual tour through farmers fields world wide.
17.00: Words of welcome
Arthur Mol (Rector Magnificus, Wageningen University and Research)
Lara de Brito (Alderman Food Policy, Wageningen municipality)
17.30: Opening ceremony
18.00: Keynote:
Hanny van Geel (Voedsel Anders)
Louise Vet (professor in Evolutionary Ecology)
18.30: Sustainable dinner
20.00: Talkshow – Voices of pioneer women in farming
Moderator: Rachelle Eerhout
Introduction: Agnes Mirembe (Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment, Uganda)
Jolke de Moel (CSA association, Federation of Agroecological Farmers)
Klarien Klingen (Toekomstboeren/ La Via Campesina NL, Boerenraad)
Monique van der Laan (Organic Farm De Beekhoeve)
21.30: Reception: Drinks and local snacks

Saturday 4 April 2020
9:00: Registration, coffee and tea for early birds
9.30: Theatrical opening of day 2
10.00: Opening keynotes
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg (emeritus professor Rural Sociology)
Carolyn Steel (architect, historian and author of The Hungry City and Sitopia)
10.30: Workshop round 3* parallel sessions
(workshops announced in English will be held in English)

12.00: Lunch. Visit the market place with local products, seeds and information about initiatives in food and farming or take a virtual tour through farmers fields world wide.
13:30: Workshop round 4* parallel sessions
(workshops announced in English will be held in English)

15:00: Coffee and cake break. Visit the market place with local products, seeds and information about initiatives in food and farming or take a virtual tour through farmers fields world wide.
15.30: Workshop round 5* parallel sessions
(workshops announced in English will be held in English)

17.15: Feed forward with frontline food transition thinkers and do-ers:
Liane Lankreijer (Voedsel Anders Netherlands)
Hans Geurts (Dutch Dairy Farmers Union, Platform Earth- Farmers- Consumers)
Nelleke Don (Slow Food Netherlands)
Bregje Hamelynck (Federation of Agroecological Farmers, Boerenraad)
Geert van der Veer (Herenboeren)
Wouter van Eck (Foodforest Ketelbroek)
Jeroen Watte (Voedsel Anders Flanders)
18.15: Conference closing
18.30: Sustainable dinner and drinks
*The conference will offer around 80 workshops which are organised along six tracks:

Meanwhile, keep an eye out on our Facebook event for the latest updates.